متوفر برنامج تصميم الاحذيه الشهير شوماستر بنسخته الجديده
البرنامج يعمل بكل كفاءه
البرنامج يغمل علي انظمه التشغيل التاليه windows XP, 7,8,10
بنواتين 32,64 bit
Shoemaster is a world leading CAD/CAM system providing 2D and 3D solutions for the footwear industry.
Designed by traditional shoemakers, Shoemaster CAD CAM solutions contain all the tools and functionality required for the design, development and engineering of all types of footwear. This innovative system reduces costs, improves quality and increases productivity.
Based on proven technology developed over four decades, the software is used successfully worldwide by a portfolio of long standing customers.
للحصول علي البرنامج اتصل بنا 00201064218804
معلومات الإعلان
تفاصيل البيع والشراء
حسل الاتفاق