Hot Sell Fashion Replica Handbags for women s best quality with low price

تاريخ نشر الاعلان الصين في 23/02/2010
paul hearns
Hello friend,
1.Our handbag wholesale price is as below:
If order only 1 for sample, the price is $43, include shipping cost.(ship by EMS )
If order 6-12 pcs, wholesale price is $30/pc, include shipping cost.( ship by EMS )
If order 12-30pcs, wholesale price is $28/pc,include shipping cost. (ship by EMS )
If order above 30pcs, we can ship the goods via DHL or Ups shipmethod, it’s much more quickly to arrive you! And the wholesale price is $25/pc, include shipping cost!
2.All our handbag are in super AAA quality, and the come with the dust tag, card, and specification, the are 99.99% hight copy products.
3.You can mix order, all items on our webiste are in stock now.We use EMS 5-6 days to your door.Our price is including shipping, competitive for your resell. The price depend on the quantiy you order, the more you order the cheaper price will be. welcom to contact us for more information.
Best regards,
our website:
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Hot Sell Fashion Replica Handbags for women s best quality with low price

معلومات الإعلان



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paul hearns الاسم
الصين البلد
للاتصال  إتصل بصاحب الإعلان  
تنبيه :
يرجى توخي الحذر عند التعامل مع أي ناشر لا يوفر معلومات مؤكدة, قم بنفسك بالاجراءات الواجبة للتمييز بين المشترين والبائعين قبل القيام بأي اتفاق.
